Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Academic Middle School Counseling Department Website

What Colleges Look for in Applicants

Grades--Colleges want to see how you have done in school. Colleges also want to accept applicants who they think will succeed. Colleges look at grades to see what you have learned and how hard you have worked.  Colleges look for consistency, for example if you have started off with high grades your Freshman year and then your grades dropped your Sophmore year, colleges wonder what happened. However, if you have significantly improved over high school, colleges appreciate that and will take that into consideration.  Colleges also appreciate consistency.

Test Scores--Many colleges (California State University, University of California, other State Colleges, and Private Schools) require that you take the SAT and/or ACT.  Many require the SAT 2 subject test.  Colleges want to see your potential.  Sometimes if your grades are lower than you would have liked, having high SAT/ACT scores can show colleges you have the potential to learn. 

Extracurricular Activities--Colleges want well rounded people.  Colleges want to know what are your interests how committed are you to the activities.  For example, were you part of band for 4 years? Did you play a sport? Are you part of a religious youth group? Have you volunteered? If you could not participate in extra curricular activities but worked to help with family finances let the college know. If you took care of younger siblings let colleges know.  It shows you are responsible. 

Recommendation Letters--These letters demonstrate to colleges how others perceive you and these letters should highlight your strengths such as intelligence, hard working, determined. 

Essays--In the essay you are given an opportunity to tell more about yourself.  You are more than the college application and your grades, SAT/ACT scores, and extracurricular activities. Colleges want to know who you are and have a balanced picture.