Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Academic Middle School Counseling Department Website
At MLK, your safety and welfare is our number one priority.  The Staff at MLK take threats and bullying seriously.  Threats and other bullying behavior are not tolerated under any circumstance.  Threats and bullying are suspendable offenses and it is possible to get expelled. 

If you are threatened or bullied you should do the following:
1. Ignore the Bully
2. Try to get away from the situation
3. Tell a trusted adult

In the counseling office if you report threatening or bullying behavior, the counseling staff will ask you to write a statement.  The staff asks you to write a statement because what you have to say is important and we want to remember what you have to say.  Also the counseling staff needs documentation for confronting the bully.  We never say so and so told me you are doing this.  The counseling staff says: We have heard you have been bothering... The counseling staff respects the privacy and safety of the students.

The counseling staff is aware it takes a lot of courage to tell about a threat/bullying.  The counseling staff also will inform your parent/guardian. Your parent guardian has a right to know if your safety/welfare is being threatened.  The counseling staff will attempt to provide a counseling mediation meeting with all parties involved and families/guardians if applicable.  If the bullying and/or threats persist or the initial report is very serious then MLK will suspend responsible parties and/or involve the police.  

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